IRI Eastern Pacific Pelagic Fisheries

IRI Eastern Pacific Pelagic Fisheries: Fisheries data from the Pacific Coast of South America.


overviewan outline showing sub-datasets of this dataset
dataset documentation
definitions and explanations

Datasets and variables

IRI EPPF anchoveta[PeruII catch eggs yearly PeruI predators ]
IRI EPPF catch[yearly ]
IRI EPPF economics[yearly prices FOB ]
IRI EPPF environment[oceanic weekly wind_velocity NO3 xbtpc2 absorbed_solar_radiation rossby_radius SOI upwelling lasker_events mean_relat_cld_cvr velocity primary_production sea_level thermocline_depth sst coastal xbtpc1 turbulence ]
IRI EPPF Steve_filter[anchoveta ]
IRI EPPF weekly_fishing[Chile Peru ]

Independent Variables (Grids)

length grid: /len (cm) ordered (4.25 cm) to (20.25 cm) by 1.0 N= 17 pts :grid
port grid: /loc (ids) unordered [ (thermocline) (<60_km_offshore) (>60_km_offshore)] :grid
port grid: /port (ids) unordered [ (Ilo) (San_Juan) (Pisco) (Callao) (Central_Area) (Don_Martin) (Chimbote) (Trujillo) (Chicama) (Paita) (Talara) (Tumbes) (La_Libertad) (Peru)] :grid
species grid: /species (ids) unordered [ (Anchoveta) (Bonito) (Cormorant) (Booby) (Pelican) (Sea_Lion) (Fur_Seal) (Mackerel) (Horse_Mackerel) (Hake)] :grid
time grid: /T (months since 1960-01-01) ordered (Mar 1946) to (Dec 1998) by 1.0 N= 634 pts :grid
time grid: /T (months since 1960-01-01) ordered (Feb 1942) to (Nov 1999) by 1.0 N= 694 pts :grid
time grid: /T (months since 1960-01-01) ordered (16 Oct 1959 - 15 Oct 1960) to (16 Oct 1992 - 15 Oct 1993) by 12.0 N= 34 pts :grid
time grid: /T (julian_day) ordered (5-11 Dec 1993) to (26 Mar 2000 - 1 Apr 2000) by 7.0 N= 330 pts :grid
time grid: /T (months since 1960-01-01) ordered (Jan 1960) to (Dec 1985) by 1.0 N= 312 pts :grid
time grid: /T (julian_day) ordered (3-9 Jan 1993) to (25 Apr 1999 - 1 May 1999) by 7.0 N= 330 pts :grid
time grid: /T (julian_day) ordered (3-9 Jan 1982) to (31 May 1998 - 6 Jun 1998) by 7.0 N= 857 pts :grid
time grid: /T (months since 1960-01-01) ordered (16 Dec 1949 - 15 Dec 1950) to (16 Dec 1995 - 15 Dec 1996) by 12.0 N= 47 pts :grid


Csirke, J., R. Guevara, G. Cárdenas,M. Ñiquen, and A. Chipollini. 1996. Situación de los recursos anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) y sardina (Sardinops sagax) a principios de 1994 y perspectivas para la pesca en el Perú, con especial referencia a la región norte-centro de la costa peruana. Bol. Inst. Mar Perú-Callao. 15 (1): 23 pp.

Last updated: Wed, 13 Feb 2019 20:27:28 GMT

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