Indices nino EXTENDED

EXTENDED from Indices nino: Indices representative of the NINO 1 and 2, NINO 3, NINO 3.4, and NINO 4 regions.


outlinean outline showing all sub-datasets and variables contained in this dataset

Datasets and variables

Indices nino EXTENDED NINO12[ | T]
Indices nino EXTENDED NINO3[ | T]
Indices nino EXTENDED NINO34[ | T]
Indices nino EXTENDED NINO4[ | T]

Other Info



Kaplan, A., M. Cane, Y. Kushnir, A. Clement, M. Blumenthal, and B. Rajagopalan, Analyses of global sea surface temperature 1856-1991, Journal of Geophysical Research, 103, 18,567-18,589, 1998

Reynolds, R.W., N.A. Rayner, T.M. Smith, D.C. Stokes, and W. Wang, 2002: An Improved In Situ and Satellite SST Analysis for Climate. J. Climate, 15, 1609-1625.

Last updated: Mon, 18 Dec 2023 16:14:59 GMT

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Indices nino EXTENDED[ ]