Attributes { X { String long_name "longitude"; Float32 pointwidth 5.0; Float32 modulus 360.0; Int32 gridtype 1; String units "degree_east"; } T { String long_name "Time"; Float32 pointwidth 1.0; String calendar "360"; Int32 gridtype 0; String units "months since 1960-01-01"; } Y { String long_name "latitude"; Float32 pointwidth 5.0; Int32 gridtype 0; String units "degree_north"; } Nobs { String long_name "Number of observations"; String Version "2; June 96"; String units "dimensionless"; String description "Number of observations for 5x5 boxes used in the RS analysis"; Int32 missing_value 32767; String history "Reduced space (80 EOFs) analysis of MOHSST5 data"; } NC_GLOBAL { String Conventions "IRIDL"; } }