NASA ISLSCP GDSLAM Near-Surface-ECMWF Monthly_6-Hourly

Monthly_6-Hourly from NASA ISLSCP GDSLAM Near-Surface-ECMWF: Global data sets for land-atmosphere models, including near-surface meteorological analyses and hybrid products from the ECMWF.


overviewan outline showing sub-datasets of this dataset

Datasets and variables

NASA ISLSCP GDSLAM Near-Surface-ECMWF Monthly_6-Hourly Maximum[temp_2m_max toa_swnt_max sur_prsr_max uwnd_10m_max msl_prsr_max sur_sbht_max uwnd_str_max vwnd_str_max sur_ltht_max sur_swnt_max vwnd_10m_max toa_lwnt_max dwpnt_2m_max sur_temp_max sur_lwnt_max ]
NASA ISLSCP GDSLAM Near-Surface-ECMWF Monthly_6-Hourly Mean[vwnd_str_mean sur_temp_mean sur_ltht_mean sur_prsr_mean sur_sbht_mean vwnd_10m_mean temp_2m_mean msl_prsr_mean toa_swnt_mean sur_lwnt_mean sur_swnt_mean dwpnt_2m_mean uwnd_10m_mean toa_lwnt_mean uwnd_str_mean ]
NASA ISLSCP GDSLAM Near-Surface-ECMWF Monthly_6-Hourly Minimum[sur_swnt_min uwnd_10m_min toa_lwnt_min temp_2m_min msl_prsr_min sur_prsr_min vwnd_10m_min sur_ltht_min vwnd_str_min sur_sbht_min sur_lwnt_min sur_temp_min dwpnt_2m_min uwnd_str_min toa_swnt_min ]
NASA ISLSCP GDSLAM Near-Surface-ECMWF Monthly_6-Hourly Standard_Deviation[msl_prsr_sd toa_swnt_sd uwnd_10m_sd sur_temp_sd sur_swnt_sd sur_sbht_sd uwnd_str_sd toa_lwnt_sd dwpnt_2m_sd temp_2m_sd vwnd_10m_sd vwnd_str_sd sur_ltht_sd sur_lwnt_sd sur_prsr_sd ]

Independent Variables (Grids)

Hour of Day (Z) grid: /C (unitless) ordered (0.0) to (18.0) by 6.0 N= 4 pts :grid
Time (time) grid: /T (months since 1960-01-01) ordered (Jan 1987) to (Dec 1988) by 1.0 N= 24 pts :grid
Longitude (longitude) grid: /X (degree_east) periodic (179.5W) to (179.5E) by 1.0 N= 360 pts :grid
Latitude (latitude) grid: /Y (degree_north) ordered (89.5N) to (89.5S) by 1.0 N= 180 pts :grid


Brankovic, C., and J. Van Maanen, 1985. The ECMWF Climate system. ECMWF Rech. Memo. No 109 51 pp + figs.

Mitchell, K.E., and Y. Lin, 1994: Production of 6-hourly continental precipitation data sets for 1987 and 1988 for ISLSCP Initiative I, Development Division, National Meteorological Center, Washington, DC.

Last updated: Wed, 13 Feb 2019 20:27:28 GMT

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NASA ISLSCP GDSLAM Near-Surface-ECMWF Monthly_6-Hourly[ ]