UNAM Monthly Precipitation Analysis for Mexico and Surroundings

This monthly gridded precipitation data set is from the Centro de Ciencias de la Atmósfera (CCA) at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).

Data source:       The analysis was based on daily station precipitation data from CLICOM
                   (for Mexico portion), Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN)
                   version 2 (for all region). And, Global Precipitation Climatology Centre
                   (GPCC) monthly gridded precipitation dataset as 'First guess' for the
                   Cressman Objective Analysis.

Resolution :       0.5 degree latitude by 0.5 degree longitude

Period :           From 1951 to 2000

Domain :           The analysis domain is (-140.75W - 59.25W, 4.25N - 40.75N).
                   Over Mexico, Southern of the US, Central America, Caribbean Sea and
                   Northern of South America

Analysis Scheme :  Cressman (1959)

Units :            mm/day

Data set author and contact information: Matias Méndez, email: matias@atmosfera.unam.mx