Анализ и Мониторинг Климата

Текущие и исторические климатические условия вокруг Земли.

    Daily, pentad, monthly and seasonal measures and analyses of atmospheric circulation.
    Daily, monthly, and seasonal measures and analyses of atmospheric temperature.
    Climate Bulletins from around the world
    These climatologies give the monthly (or seasonal) behavior in an average year for temperature, precipitation, and wind.
    Drought forecast and analysis tools for North America and the Globe
    Seasonal forecasts of temperature and precipitation.
    Subseasonal forecasts of precipitation and temperature constructed from SubC (formerly SubX) multi-model forecasts.
    Analyses associated with heat waves over North America
    Under construction
    Weekly, monthly and season measures and analyses of ocean chem.
    Weekly, monthly and season measures and analyses of ocean temperature.
    Monthly to seasonal measures and analyses of precipitation.
    This maproom presents an approximate decomposition by time scale of twentieth-century precipitation variations.
    Working in collaboration with the World Bank, IRI has developed a map tool that enables a user to examine the components of variability of historical precipitation and temperature data at various time scales (interannual, decadal, and linear trend) during the 20th century. The tool was developed to serve as a component of the World Bank Climate Change Data Portal.